Tennis and Pickleball

All reservations are managed through our online system. You do not have to be signed in to the website to make a reservation. Members can make reservations for up to 2 hours of play per day, no more than 30 days in advance. Enjoy the courts! 
  • Only WVA owners and tenants/guests who hold a Current Amenity Card and their guests are allowed on the courts.
  • Check in at the Aquatic Center before your tennis play. Those that do not sign in are at risk of losing reservation privilege.
  • We operate on a three strikes rule. Repeated violations requiring more than two warnings will result in a month's suspension of privileges.
  • Only USTA approved tennis shoes are allowed.
  • The tennis courts are locked when not in use. The combination changes monthly. If need, ask the staff at the Aquatic Center.
  • COVID-19 Modified Rules: USTA Playing Tennis Safely Tips
Waikōloa Tennis Club:
The Waikōloa Tennis Club meet at the courts on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Meet new players, improve your game, and engage in a variety of fun activities. All levels of experience are welcome, ages 18 and up. Follow us on Facebook!
Meeting Days and Times:
Monday, Thursday, and Saturday – 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Contact Information:
Stephen Green
(t) 808-883-9147

Waikōloa "Pukaball" Pickleball Club:
Come and play one of the fastest growing sports in the nation! Recreation Club play is available for all. Beginners can contact for more information. The Waikōloa Pickleball Club plays on the tennis courts near the WVA Aquatic Center.
Meeting Days and Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday – 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Fridays – 7:30 am to 10:00 am
Contact Information:
Lani Larrua - USA Pickleball Ambassador
(t) 808-960-1388

Waikōloa Village Association

Monday - Friday 8a - 4 p
(Closed for Lunch 12:30p - 1p)

68-1792 Melia St.
P.O. Box 383910
Waikoloa, HI 96738

(t) 808.883.9422

The Village Course

Open 7 Days a Week
Pro Shop is open 6am-6pm

68-1798 Melia St.
P.O. Box 383910
Waikoloa, HI 96738

(t) 808.883.9621

Visit Website

Reserve Your Tee Time

Waikōloa Village Stables

Open 7 Days a Week

68-1936 Waikoloa Road
P.O. Box 383910
Waikoloa, HI 96738

(t) 808.883.1819

Visit Webpage

Waikōloa Village Aquatic Center

Open 7 Days a Week | 6a - 7p

68-1792 Melia St.
P.O. Box 383910
Waikoloa, HI 96738

(t) 808.883.9704

Visit Webpage

Waikōloa Village Tennis Courts

Open 7 Days a Week | 6a - 7p

68-1792 Melia St.
P.O. Box 383910
Waikoloa, HI 96738

(t) 808.883.9704

Visit Webpage

Reserve the Courts